The legendary Warrior / Saiyan

On Namek, we are referring to a warrior that appears every 1000 years and it turns out to be Son Goku. But in Broly's movie, the real Legendary Super Saiyan is actually Broly. So what about it?
In fact, yes, it's the same. Basically, after have seen all the Super Saiyan's friends in the next saga getting along also as a Super Saiyan, the Toei had to find a way to show a unique Legendary Saiyan.
The legend of the Super Saiyan-jin
It's referred in the Namek saga. In fact, it is a unique and ultimate warrior. A reasonable end for Dragan Ball would have been Son Goku becoming the Legendary Super Saiyain, killing off the strongest warrior in the universe. But as the author has been forced to continue, other could have had the ability to turn to a Super Saiyan as well and finally Freezer turns out to be not that strong.

(Vegeta talking about Son Goku Manga 24)
(Background picture: a full moon)

(Jeece, Manga 24)

(Captain Ginyu, Manga 24)

(King Cold, Manga 28)

I am Son Goku, the Super Saiyan-jin!!
(Son Goku, Manga 27)
The Super Saiyan is finally a simple transformation. Afterwards, it became only a level of transformation, the one we call SSJ1 (Super Saiyan-jin level 1).
The design of Son Gokus hair, which was very luminous and smooth showing the lotus (the 1000 petals), changes to yellow streaks.
The Legendary warrior, the Legendary Saiyan-jin
This very Legendary Warrior is quoted from the Movie 8, and Broly has been chosen to be it.
In Toeis mind, it must have been the following: In Freezers saga, we are talking about a legendary Super Saiyan, and it turns out to be son Goku, who is able to transform. But during the cyborgs saga, pretty much everybody is able to transform, which makes Son Goku not a Legendary case
From that, a Legendary warrior is born to be The very Legendary one. Although it has never been referred in the movie that especially one appears every 1000 years.
Therefore remains this question: What is the Legendary warrior, and who is it, does it exist!?
Originally, we were thinking based on Freezer saga that the Legendary warrior existed and it was Son Goku. But afterwards, other warriors were able to turn SSJ1, so we had to call it into questions.
There are the possible solutions. You must know that this theory is none of a truthful statement; its only a matter of taste.

Vegeta always caught him up, but then. And Goku is the only one able to turn SSJ3. Obviously, the fusions and half-Saiyans do not count.
First conclusion: Son Goku is the Legendary warrior.

This clearly points Broly and not Son Goku
Second conclusion: Broly is the Legendary warrior.
Brolys case

Warning: The millennium term is bad for the muscles.
In the movie, Broly is called the Legendary warrior.
Broly has his own transformations system.
Even though it looks like the existing SSJ transformations, the level power out of it is way higher.
1. Untransformed. | ![]() | 2. Violet or dark blue hair, SSJ halo, blue or back eyes.
This SSJ halo without the normal SSJ hair is certainly due to Paragus power limiter. | ![]() |
3. SSJ1, without limiter. Cf. Movie: "Brolys return" | ![]() | 4. Legendary Super Saiyan-jin (SSJL):
Kind of USSJ (Trunks transformation with big muscles) but without the slowness problem;
enormous muscles, blank eyes. It is this very transformation that makes him the unique Legendary warrior. | ![]() |
In the movie 8, he has the level 1 of transformation, 2 then he goes to 4.
In the movie 10, hes sleeping in level 1 of transformation, comes in the level 3 and finally goes to 4
In the movie 11, we wont talk about it. He barely appears, he is a clone and the movie is worse than ever.
Super skills
Here are the skills that make him a unique being:
Broly had a power equals to 10,000 units when he was born. This is close to the adult Saiyan elites.
Broly has an endless energy that is constantly
renewing which is not
Son Gokus case who always goes back to a normal state
(Cf. Buu saga and DBGT even if its a heresy).
This deduction comes from the first movie; he has so much energy that he is randomly throwing attacks.
He attacks using green power balls, and in the movie 10 powerful power balls that come from huge green halo concentrated in his hand, in the shape of a circle that is decreasing in size.
Broly has extraordinary stamina, especially transformed as a Legendary level.
Power balls slip over him, the Kamehameha does not affect him. Direct hits even connected just barely push his head back.
He is not invincible though, he even got beaten.
However, at this time, he has a degree of invincibility.
Broly has a weak punch. Indeed. In the movie 10, hes fighting against untransformed Saiyans and he barely got them scratched disappointing. But if it was fighting with decent power, the heroes would have gotten killed at the beginning.
His injuries
Its relevant to analyze how Broly has been beaten. For an invincible being, he got his ass ripped.
Untransformed with limiters, hes barely bleeding after a direct kick in the head. Most of the time, he has been only grazed except in the following cases.
After he was born, he got stabbed but we can see where in the body neither the injury afterwards. But he was bleeding (scratches); once again, no scars.
Some are arguing that his old injury, when he was stabbed, has been re-opened after Son Gokus ultimate punch at the end of the fight. This theory belongs to them.
After the first movie, Brolys chest got pierced by Goku, which cracked him. We must notice that in the same movie, he also gets cracked before turning to his Legendary SSJ level
A spurt of dark green blood goes out his chest and as Goku is following his punch ripped off his thorax. His head also cracked then breaks into pieces. Everywhere from his body comes out light and Broly ends up collapsing. No less.
In the movie 10, he came back in a good shape as he hasnt only blood traces in his head. He seems exhausted.
When we see him fighting, he has scars all over his chest and back. As its the rest of Gokus last punch. With a LOT of imagination, we could say that Goku has only skewered him and therefore Broly has healed himself (hum. an authentic Namek
At the end, the ultimate Kamehameha push him back, and without any logical reasons, his heart explodes... Once again, a spurt of green blood, and he finished into the sun.
Hair color
Broly has nothing to be envious of Bulmas hair. He changes his hair all the time! His hair size and color are generally random. Here is a summary.
The purpose of this analysis is to figure out what his real hair color is. And its none of easy thing to do because the color changes according to the light. proof here:

He has brown hair and then white/red hair due to the light. He sounds in SSJ1 level.
We wont consider any flash-back scenes. It appears on those last one that the hair has different colors: in the flash-back when he was a baby, he, his father and the King Vegeta has blue or bright mauve hair.

Except the third picture (I vote error from the colo), he has violet, mauve and blue hair color... and his hair corresponds to the SSJ1 transformation.
This is clearly the example of the SSJ1 hair color with the effect of the limiter. It seems that the Toei has confirmed that by the way.

All along the movie, he has green hair color which is different than the normal SSJ hair color.
In certain scene, he has yellow bright eyebrows... but not every time.
His eyes are white all the time. If he had white eyes in the previous paragraph, this was because because he was turning to a Legendary SSJ.
Some are still arguing that the green hair color from the first was due to the limiter, thats why he has yellow hair color in the next movies. The problem is he has no longer the limiter when hes Legendary SSJ. We could say that the limiters effects remains changing his hair color but its not very shonen. Generally in the manga, the effects of a thing disappear with it.

His hair is also shorter.

However, his hair color is definitively yellow. Damn! Why?

Frankly its your opinion.
When he died, he has black and white color, graphical effect.